WORKS TOP  >  2023 - Kyobashi Senbikiya Tama Plaza Store Kanagawa

Kyobashi Senbikiya Tama Plaza Store Kanagawa

Concept: “one stem, one fruit”

Kyobashi Senbikiya is a long-established store that has been in business for over 100 years. It specialises in fruit sale. 

To ensure that each fruit is of the highest quality, the company is committed to strict quality check control and careful selection. Therefore, Kyobashi Senbikiya Tama Plaza store is devoted to the philosophy “one stem, one fruit”. 

This commitment is expressed by displaying fruit samples that are exposed on the sky graphic which gives an impression of nature blessing. We have designed it the way you can easily feel and understand Kyobashi Senbikiya’s message at first glance. Additionally, we have used colourful mosaic tiles on the lower part of the fixture to express the color of the fruit. That allows us to ascertain when the fruit is ready to be eaten. 

We hope you can sense the magnificence of the fruits in this store.